Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Voice of Philadelphia Phillies baseball goes quiet

Harry Kalas, the voice of the Philadelphia Phillies passed away on Monday...listening to a Phillies game just won't be the same anymore. I am sad that my son will never know or enjoy Mr. Kalas' voice.

My deepest sympathies to Harry Kalas' family and to the Philadelpia Phillies.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Giveaway time on my friend Meghan's blog!

Still very new to this, so my link isn't nearly as neat as others!

Go visit my friend Meghan's blog, she is giving away some goodies from Rain X

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Meghan's Mindless Muttering: G! I! V! E! A! W! A! Y!#comment-form

Meghan's Mindless Muttering: G! I! V! E! A! W! A! Y!#comment-form

Yeah, I think I did it!! Go check out my friend Meghan's blog, she's giving away something fabu!!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Photo Challenge # 2

Same Yahoo Scrap booking group, photo challenge #2-use the macro setting on your here goes:

Close up of the dogs face..check out each little hair waiting to shed onto my furniture!

Keyboard...was just sitting here and took the picture..newer keyboard so not much dust and all my letters are still accounted for!

Close up of a sleeping 2 1/2 year old boy...sure glad he let me clean his ears tonight!!!!

Close up of my Christmas cookie tree

Close up of a leaf on my poinsettia plant...pretty neat looking if you ask me.
So, there you have it, all done and 1 1/2 hours to spare!

Photo Challenge # 1

I belong to a Yahoo Scrapbooking group where we were challenged to take pictures of things that are uniquely me. I procrastinated slightly, so these aren't the best, but are me!

This would be me with the 2 most important people in my hubby of 4 1/2 years and my (our) 2 1/2 year old son.

This would be me with my 9 year old God daughter Breanna. She is "my girl." I just wish she lived a little closer to me so I could spend more time with her.
This a picture I took of the sunrise in the Outer Banks, my favorite vacation spot and where my husband and I are currently planning to retire.

This a picture of the passenger seat of my is always piled with crap, my pocket book, my bag, coupons, books, catalogs, oh and there is my bag with dirty tupperware from lunch that day! (this mess drives my husband absolutely bananas!!!)
This is my desk at work...where I spend a minimum of 40 hours a you can see just as messy as the passenger seat of my truck...but I do actually straighten this up every morning and every night!!!
So there you have it, pictures about me. There are other pictures I could have taken that represent me, but as previously stated I ran out of time!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Started a new blog

Ok, don't even know what I am doing with this blogging stuff...but did decide to start another blog just for my daily pictures! So I will be blogging my one picture of each day on this blog:

If you want to take a looksie later on in the week, I will have posted all my pictures so far.
